Tuesday, December 11, 2007

All About Kasha

Phil Oppenheim was inspired by an essay on the writer Daniil Kharms in Sunday's New York Times - an essay which happened to be written by "blog" friend George Saunders. Phil dug around and found a place on the "internet" where you can read a couple of stories by Kharms. "I particularly like [the story "Holiday"], as I'm a devotee of kasha," writes Phil, adding an explanatory note: "my mom makes me a batch of kasha varnishkes every time I come home to visit." As a bonus, Phil draws our attention to someone he ran across "blogging" about kasha. Hey, speaking of George Saunders, he once told me that one of his literary inspirations was Steve Martin's CRUEL SHOES. And I just found out yesterday from Steve Martin's BORN STANDING UP (which I devoured in one sitting) that Steve Martin "worships" - yes, "worships" - Jerry Lewis! Draw your own conclusions. Hint: Jerry Lewis is the prime mover, responsible for everything good, including the finest American literature. (See earlier "posts" on how Lewis has inspired Lynda Barry and Lorrie Moore.)